G.D. Goenka School, Varanasi
Managing Director
You are the unstoppable drive…………
Life poses innumerable challenges and the goal of education is to help one to successfully brave through them.
It is my strong conviction that we all grow with an innate desire to achieve a “Dream”. Do not give up your dream because as you continue trying, you are inching closer to it. I want my students to understand, question, remember and act upon everything that their surroundings teach them. They should not only be well educated but also courageous and compassionate.
Our students have consistently been recognized for their outstanding performance and intellectual accomplishments. The school offers a harmonious learning environment, which opens doors for wholesome development of children.Imagination is as important as acquiring knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world and all there ever will be to know and understand.
Albert Einstein once said, ‘Dear students our goal is one, self-realization and actualization. Don’t even lose a fraction of your enthusiasm, come up with new ideas and take big decisions.
My message to the Principal, staff, students and esteemed parents of the school is to dedicate this year to correct understanding of what education really means and to take benefits from this understanding.
I extend my sincere and heartiest gratitude to the staff and parents for their constant support and cooperation. Let education free us from the shackles of ignorance.